20 nov 2021
Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve CAPa

cine-koncerto de Edgar Pêra com música de Tó Trips & Maestro Cyaneto VJamming de Cláudio Vasques
Capacity small
Admission free
Booking 289 828784 / 91 8703415
Cartoon by © José Carlos Fernandes
Edgar Pêra has been performing film concerts since 1990. They are unique, unrepeatable objects that function as a research laboratory for future films, remixes of films from the past or, quite simply, visual and sound interpretations improvised together with musicians. During this cine-concert, the filmmaker will film Tó Trips‘ musical performance live and these images will be manipulated by Claúdio Vasques, who will mix them with pre-assembled films set to music by Maestro Cyaneto (Pêra’s alter ego).
These films come from the television series CINEKOMIX!!! designed for channel 180, 13 episodes dedicated to the world’s greatest comic book authors, such as Will Eisner (The Spirit), Art Spiegelman (Maus), Jerry Robinson (The Joker), Bryan Talbot (Tale of a Bad Rat), Jim Woodring (Frank), Neil Gaiman (Sandman), Ed Brubaker (Criminal), José Carlos Fernandes (The Worst Band in the World), Tommi Musturi (Samuel), Aleksander Zograf (Second Hand Worlds), Denis Kitchen (Kitchen Sink), Max (Peter Punk), Mike Royer (The Demon), Rick Veitch (Swamp Thing).
CINEKOMIX!!! takes place as part of Shazaaam? an initiative by Gravity Discover – Produção de Eventos, Lda. curated by Artadentro, as part of the Espaço Intermédio/Space Between project. First built in an emergency mode, as if in an enchantment, and then, due to various constraints, it slips back and forth in time from August to November, as if to alert us to the ambivalent character, powerful and weak, of magical solutions.
Shazaaam?, a magical moment of spectacular transmutation, now in the interrogative – borrowed from the famous comic book character, Captain Marvellous or Marvellous, later Marvel, – a multimedia exhibition with the participation of an important group of contemporary authors from the cinema, music, performance and visual arts, with backgrounds in Portugal and abroad.