5/6 nov 2021


Centro de Artes Performativas do Algarve CAPa


info maníaco

Teatro Praga


Price 6€ / 5€ (discount for students and seniors over 65)
Age rating M/16
Tickets available on site
Booking 289 828784 / 91 8703415

a show by Teatro Praga
creation André e. Teodósio e José Maria Vieira Mendes
light design Daniel Worm
sound Miguel Lucas Mendes
instalation Bruno Bogarim
producer Daniela Ribeiro
executive production Alexandra Baião
creation residency O Espaço do Tempo, Montemor-o-Novo
support Polo Cultural das Gaivotas | Boavista / Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
co-production A Oficina / Centro Cultural Vila Flor, Teatro Viriato e Centro Cultural de Belém
aknowledgments Ana Tang, Jazzy.pt, Joana Barrios, Paula Sá Nogueira, Pedro Faro, Rui Horta e Rita

photo Carlos Pinto

Teatro Praga is partly financed by the República Portuguesa – Direção Geral das Artes

In 2005, André e. Teodósio and J. M. Vieira Mendes met to make a show they called SUPER GORILA. If in 2005, in that show, an artist asked the audience to help him blow up everything (space, history, himself and principles, means and ends), in 2021, the same artist is only interested in unconditional dismantling.

INFO MANÍACO is a reminiscence of Prague, a wander that goes from the histriones who performed in Ancient Rome to the sound of the flute to the quantum knowledge of our present. A one-man-show with a human rethinking his figurative entity on a day that contains all days and all times. An actor on stage both talks about himself, revealing everything, and reveals that he is everything but himself! To do this, he draws on the repertoire of his experiences: poems, choreographies, recipes, stories and magic potions, as well as a kind of retrospective glossary of the Prague Theatre’s work.

Following in disarray, INFO MANÍACO is a guerrilla manual for modern times, an apology for being-in-relationship, a show that thinks of everything in order to give and occupy space and time. And in the secret, we will know that we know nothing, but that the All knows everything about us.