4 nov 2022


Teatro das Figuras


o estado do mundo (quando acordas)

Formiga Atómica



staging Miguel Fragata
text Inês Barahona e Miguel Fragata
actor Edi Gaspar
drums & percussion Diogo Sousa
cenografia: Eric da Costa
wardrobe José António Tenente
original music score Fernando Mota
light design José Álvaro Correia
video João Gambino
props Eric da Costa, José Pedro Sousa, Mariana Fonseca e Rita Vieira
maker Guilherme Martins
set construction Gate7
technical director Renato Marinho
consultant Henrique Frazão
executive production Ana Lobato e Luna Rebelo
Production Formiga Atómica
Co-production LU.CA – Teatro Luís de Camões, Comédias do Minho, Materiais Diversos e Théâtre de la Ville
aknowledgments Ana Pereira, Andreia Luís, Beatriz Castanheira, Carlos Félix/Decolab, Carlos Miguel/IMPERSOL, Dalila Romão, David Palma, Dina Mendonça, Elisabete Pinto, Joana Ascensão, João Ribeiro, Lara Soares, Maria Mestre, Mónica Talina, Paulo Teixeira/Fablab EDP, Raquel Castro, Rita Conduto, Susana Gaspar

Formiga Atómica is partly financed by the República Portuguesa – Direção Geral das Artes

Festival encontros do DeVIR

To what extent can everyday objects be responsible for major natural disasters? What impact do our actions have on the other side of the planet?
The State of the World (When You Wake Up) puts into play cause-and-effect relationships between small gestures and big consequences. Edi is an 8-year-old boy with a very busy life. Every day he consumes and discards many things, until he receives an unexpected toy invitation. At that moment, he begins a journey through a world invisible to his eyes, marked by the climate crisis. In a world at odds with itself, you have to look to the past to make things right in the future. Time is always ticking.
The State of the World (When You Wake Up) is the first show in a diptych aimed at thinking about the state of the world – natural, political, geographical, social, historical, economic and human.